I’ll take a proper portrait soon, I promise!
Welcome to Hug Life. I believe whole-heartedly in this therapy, so please get in touch (pun very much intended)
As a former writer, editor and photographer, I was already used to working by myself, at home, alone before the pandemic struck. I always thought I was better working by myself. I preferred to be in my own space, working to my own deadlines and without the distraction and politics of a busy office environment
The although gradual, the pressure of isolation and loneliness was so intense. I sought out a solution that didn’t involve medication or alcohol. After stumbling upon Cuddle Therapy it was obvious that this was exactly what I needed.
Other issues got in the way, namely three years of skin cancer appointments and operations, depression, anxiety… it’s been a journey. Slowly regaining self-confidence, instead of seeking therapy, I chose to study Touch Therapy with the goal of making sure no one has to feel like I did at my lowest

“It’s okay, to not be okay…”
No. Wrong. It’s definitely not okay. Stop diminishing or dismissing your issues as something that is okay to be overwhelmed by or comparing your struggles as trivial in respect to what others may be going through. You don’t have to suffer to validate your feelings. Your pain threshold (emotional or physical) is not a barometer of how justified you are to feel like shit. Have you ever thought you could do with a hug? Maybe a reassuring arm around you to centre you and help you take stock of everything that going on? A cuddle to provide some escapism from the real world – even if it is just for a short while?
When it comes to my own mental and physical health, my life has been a journey of stumbling from metaphorical train wreck to train wreck. Life is not easy. Everything is subjective and that is why you can be your own worst enemy when it comes to your own wellness. Although I am not a mental health professional, and do not offer mental health assistance outside of touch therapy, I unfortunately do have experience in many areas; from loss and grief, to mental and physical health issues.
I have become an advocate for cuddle therapy and the host of benefits it can provide. It’s not just your mental health that can benefit. When you consider the physical manifestations caused by stress – many of which people are unaware they are connected – even our immune system benefits from reducing stress – let alone all the pain caused by the tension we hold subconsciously
Everyone has their own reasons for seeking out Platonic Touch Therapy (Cuddle Therapy) and those reasons can remain your own. You’re under no obligation to share – when the door closes after entering the Hug Life cuddle factory, the outside world no longer exists. You are in a safe space

I trained with and am accredited by CPI (Cuddle Professionals International) and I am fully insured to practice Cuddle/Touch Therapy. CPI is registered with The Complementary Medical Association and course is approved by The International Institute for Complementary Therapists