Welcome to Hug Life
This website is under construction and our Cuddle Premises are in development and are not currently open to the public, but alternatives are being sought. Home visits and public space meetings are available.
Have you ever wanted a cuddle buddy? Ever felt a hug could make things considerably better? Well, it’s not just an emotional response, there’s a lot of science to prove you are quite right!
Located in the heart of the vibrant town of Frome, Somerset, our discreet home-based therapy provides a quiet escape, a safe space away from the stresses of the world to relax and recharge your inner wellness
Platonic Touch Therapy (commonly known as Cuddle Therapy) is not new; it is not some hippy mumbo-jumbo from a commune in California – there’s many benefits, but as you’re here, you probably already know that…
- Reduce stress
- Lower blood pressure
- Lower anxiety
- Improve mental health
- Improve self-esteem
- Improve your immune system
- Relieve pain
- Improve happiness!
Without touch, without embracing, it’s possible that neither of us would be here now. As an infant, touch is so important it can be the difference between life or death. Failure to Thrive is a horrible, tragic event that can cause neglected babies to essentially give up on life at a young age. On that cheery note, understanding why this happens and how to avoid it, has lead to studies listing the benefits of touch at a more mature age
At Hug Life, we offer a range of therapies to cater for our customers needs. If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything (other than a lot of people don’t wash their hands), it’s that human-to-human contact is extremely important for our health. Isolation and loneliness is painful on a level that is almost incomprehensible. It’s a pain you feel in your soul and it’s a pain you no longer have to deal with alone
Is touch therapy for me?
Touch therapy can be useful to everyone. You may be uncomfortable being touched and want a safe space to explore your limits to regain your confidence. You may already understand the benefits of touch and want simple body contact that doesn’t involve swiping right and the perils of online hook-ups to top up your oxytocin levels. Loneliness: Let’s be honest, loneliness has been exacerbated by the pandemic over the last couple of years and cuddle therapy can do wonders for your mental health. You may suffer from fibromyalgia and can only manage a certain amount of contact but don’t want to have to explain yourself to a stranger… in short, yes, it can benefit everyone
I’m not here to do the hard-sell, that isn’t in my nature, but I hope reading this has prompted you to rethink your health or situation, and consider the benefits of a Hug Life cuddle therapy session